Category: Movies
Read More: NefariousPsychiatrist James Martin does not believe that the Devil exists. Then he is called to evaluate the sanity of a condemned serial killer, who claims to be a demon named Nefarious. Dr. Martin’s life will never be the same again.
Read More: GosnellThe Trial of the America’s Biggest Serial Killer The film is the shocking true story of the investigation and trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell – his 30 year killing spree and the political and media establishment that tried to cover it up. Originally investigated for illegal prescription drug sales, a raid by DEA, FBI &…
Restless Heart
Read More: Restless HeartRESTLESS HEART uses a historic backdrop to tell the true story of Augustine of Hippo – one of the Catholic Church’s most beloved and well-known saints. Its message is as timely today as it was only a few generations after Jesus walked on Earth. It is the story of one who pursues fame and fortune…
The Blood & the Rose – This battle is for our souls
Read More: The Blood & the Rose – This battle is for our soulsA documentary produced and narrated by Eduardo Verastegui, star of the critically acclaimed film “Bella.” Discover how Our Lady of Guadalupe brought the light of the true faith, crushed the false gods of Mexico, and established an era of peace.
Read More: FireproofNever leave your partner behind An action-packed love story, Fireproof will have audiences laughing, crying, and being pulled toward the edge of their seats as they are drawn into the world of a firefighter, his wife … and a marriage worth rescuing!
Mary of Nazareth
Read More: Mary of NazarethMary of Nazareth is an epic new motion picture on the life of Mary, mother of Christ, from her childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus. The film captures the essence of Mary’s profound faith and trust in God amidst the great mysteries that she lived with as the Mother of the Messiah, and the deep…
Ignatius of Loyola
Read More: Ignatius of LoyolaA powerful film from Ignatius Press about the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola. This feature film opens with a brief glimpse into Ignatius’ early life and family discord before plunging into the life and times of Ignatius as a young man, revealing a brash, hot-headed soldier in a time of political upheaval in Spain…
Read More: BellaThis award-winning film has touched hearts and changed lives all across America and internationally One of the producers, Jason Jones, had the vision to get the movie into the hands of every woman in an unplanned pregnancy who is considering an abortion. The ministry is called Bella HERO. They now have several hundred pregnancy care…
Come What May
Read More: Come What MayCome What May is a powerful movie about a college student and a seemingly impossible court argument. If he argues what he truly believes, he stands to lose the most important competition of his life and the support of his mother. If he softens his stance, he might win the coveted title, but lose the…
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Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
Catholic Quest Presents Eucharistic Miracle Exhibit Learn more about the Real Presence Eucharistic Adoration Association’s photographic exhibition of Church-approved Eucharistic miracles from around the world and how you can bring the exhibit to your chapel or parish.
Marriage Enrichment Workshop
This workshop is for anyone interested in knowing more about how to have happier, healthier and more meaningful relationships within marriage and family life. We are currently working to schedule more of these workshops. Please check back for new dates and information.
The Plumber’s Family
Welcome to the Family First Blog. Here we will will post links to articles on the importance of the Catholic family with an emphasis on local issues and practical suggestions to protect, strengthen and restore the “domestic church.” Recently there was an excellent article at the Crisis Magazine website. The author, David Torkington, relates how…
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